Biography of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar

Biography of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar -:

Heartfelt Leader Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was born in Mhow, Located in Indore city of Madhya Pradesh, India. And now its Name has been Changed to Dr.Ambedkar Nagar.

Baba Bhimrao Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891. Baba Bhimrao Ambedkar Belonged to the Dalit Caste. And their caste was Considered an Untouchable caste.

That’s why his whole childhood was Spent in a lot of Difficulties. All the lower caste people Including Babasaheb Ambedkar had to face social boycott, Humiliation and Discrimination.

Babasaheb Ambedkar’s childhood -:

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar went to live with his Father in such a House in the city of Mumbai, India. At that place, very poor people Already Lived in the same room.

Therefore Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and his Father did not have the Arrangement to sleep Together, so Babasaheb Ambedkar and his Father used to sleep Alternately.

When his Father Slept, Babasaheb Ambedkar used to study under the light of a Small Lamp. Babasaheb Ambedkar was very much Interested in Studying Sanskrit, But due to the Practice of Untouchability and being a low caste, He could not Read Sanskrit.

But such was the Irony, that Foreigners could study Sanskrit. Babasaheb Ambedkar Faced with Humiliating Situations in life, Babasaheb Ambedkar did his Schooling with grit and Valor Followed by College.

Education of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar –:

Babasaheb Ambedkar After Passing his Matriculation in the year 1907 did his graduation in the year 1912 at “Eli Finstham College”.

Babasaheb Ambedkar received his MA in Economics from “Columbia University” in the year 1915. Babasaheb Ambedkar Obtained his Ph.D Degree in the year 1917.

Babasaheb Ambedkar did Research on the topic “National Development for India and Analytical Study”. In 1917, Babasaheb Ambedkar Enrolled in the “London School of Economics”.

But due to Lack of Resources there, Babasaheb Ambedkar could not complete his Education. After some time Babasaheb Ambedkar went to London and Completed his Incomplete Studies from the “London School of Economics”.

And along with this Babasaheb Ambedkar also Obtained the Degree of M.Sc and Bar At-Law. Babasaheb Ambedkar was the most Educated Politician and Thinker of his Era.

Babasaheb Ambedkar was a Master in a total of 64 Subjects in Life, And was well-versed in 9 languages, as Babasaheb Ambedkar had Studied in all Religions of the world.

Composition -:
The Names of Two Important Writings in Bhim Rao Ambedkar Biography are given below :
1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches (Published by Government of Maharashtra, India)
2) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Sampoorna Vadmay (Published by Government of India)

Books written by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar -:

In Bhim Rao Ambedkar Biography, Babasaheb was a Social Reformer as well as a writer. Due to his Interest in Writing, he wrote many Books. Given below is the list of books written by Ambedkar:
1) National share of India
2) Castes and their mechanization in India

3) Small Agriculture in India and their Remedies
4) Lord Buddha and Buddhism
5) Originator
6) Who and how Shudra
7) Decentralization of Imperial Finance in British India

8) Rupee Problem: Origin and Solution
9) Emergence of Provincial Finance in British India
10) Caste break
11) Excluded India
12) Public
13) Union vs. Freedom
14) Thoughts on Pakistan
15) Ranade Gandhi and Jinnah
16) Maharashtra Linguistic Province

How many Degrees did Babasaheb Ambedkar Have?

Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar had Good Knowledge about 9 Languages with 32 Degrees. Babasaheb Ambedkar had Easily Completed 8 years of studies in “London School of Economics” in just 2 years 3 months.

He was the First and Only Person Not only in India but in the whole world to Receive a Rare Doctoral Degree from the “London School of Economics” Named ‘Doctor All Science’.

Babasaheb Ambedkar had to return to India Because of the First World War. After some time Babasaheb Ambedkar Started his job as Army Secretary of Baroda State.

After Some Time he got a job as Professor of Political Economy in “Sydname College of Commerce and Economics”.

Once again Babasaheb Ambedkar went to London for Higher Education with the help of Shahu Maharaj of Kolhapur.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, a Striving Social Reformer -:

Babasaheb took up the Front of Social Reform after Facing Inequalities. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Organized the “All India Classes Association”.

Babasaheb made a lot of Efforts for social reform. Tried to do social reforms by Brahmins to accept the Practice of Untouchability, not to Allow Entry in Temples, Discrimination Against Dalits, Discrimination by Teachers etc.

But due to the Period of foreign rule, the effort to make social Reforms could not be very Successful. The Foreign rulers Feared that if all the people here became one, then the Traditionalist and Orthodox class would become their Opponent.

Bhim Rao Ambedkar Biography: Anti-Untouchability Struggle -:

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar had been Facing the pain of Untouchability Since Birth. Babasaheb Ambedkar Caste System and high and low Discrimination he had been seeing since Childhood.

And Because of this he had faced a lot of Humiliation. Babasaheb Ambedkar fought Against Untouchability and through this he wanted to free the lower caste people from the practice of Untouchability.

And wanted to give equal status to the low caste people of the society. Babasaheb Ambedkar had clearly said in his speech in Mumbai in the year 1920.

That “Where there will be a Conflict between my Personal Interest and the Interest of the my Country. There I will give Priority to the Interest of the Country.

But when there will be a Conflict between the Interest of the Dalit castes and the Interest of the Country. So I will give Priority to the Dalit Castes over there.

” He came out as a Messiah for the Downtrodden class. And who fought a lot till his last Moment to get Respect for the Dalits. In 1927, he led a Satyagraha to take the Untouchables. And won the case in the High Court in Mumbai in year 1937.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Political Journey

In Year 1936, Baba Saheb had Formed the “Independent Labor Party”. In the Central Assembly Elections of 1937, his party won 15 seats. Ambedkar ji Changed his party to All India Sideul Cast Party.

With this Party they Stood in the Election of the Constituent Assembly in 1946. But his party was Performed very bad in the Election.

Congress and Mahatma Gandhi Named Harijan to the Untouched people, so everybody began to speak to Harijan. But Ambedkar did not like it at all and he Opposed that matter.

He said, That Untouched people are also a part of our society. They are also the common people like the other people. Ambedkar was kept in the Defense Advisory Committee and the Vicerai Executive Council was made Labor Minister. Baba Saheb Azad became the first “Law Minister of India”.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s Death

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was Suffering from Diabetes (Diabetes) from Year 1948. And he was very sick until Year 1954.

On 3 December in year 1956, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Completed his last Manuscript Buddha and Dhamma.

And on December 6, in year 1956, had Breathed his last in Delhi. Baba Saheb’s Funeral was done in Buddhist style on Chowpatti beach. And from this day, Public Holidays are kept on Ambedkar Jayanti.

What if Baba Saheb was alive

1) Baba Saheb Ambedkar had seen the Reservation from the beginning. Along with this, want some basic changes to the Reservation policy.

They do not allow the second generation to take Advantage of the Reservation. Because now it is not Needed, and there was no Benefit.

2) Poverty was not just in Dalits. Millions of Families in Villages were also from Childhood of the same long Slavery. Apart from this, Dependent on Landless, poor and wages. If Baba was Saheb, he could Never look at it.

3) Dalit family Received a better Economic and Academic level from Reserved Quota. Baba Saheb used to come to the General Category.

4) Baba Saheb Ambedkar was the First Person who wants to Develop Everyone with Everyone on Economic basis after Twenty years.

Then the Neglected and Talented people of high caste will also go to their Shelter. And they only take the best Justified way.

They were openly against it when they receive the scheduled caste, the job of the job of the tribe. They do not make a Political shield by making the Organization of reserved.

Otherwise we will go wandering from our Direction. If you have become stronger, then help other weaks.

Interesting facts about Babasaheb Ambedkar
1) Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar was the Ashok Chakra on the Flag of India.
2) Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Knew about 9 Languages.
3) Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar was the first person who had Visited Ph.d Abroad in Economics.

4) Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Studied Almost all Religions till the age of 21.
5) Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar had About 32 Degrees.
6) Babasaheb Azad was the First Law Minister of India.

7) Babasaheb fought twice the Lok Sabha elections, but both times had lost.
8) Bhimrao Ambedkar Hindu Mahar was of Caste, who Celebrated the society untouchable.
9) Bhimrao Ambedkar was against Section No. 370 in Kashmir.

Question 1- When was Dr Ambedkar born?
Answer – 14 April 1891
Question 2- Where was Dr Ambedkar born?
Answer- It took Place in Mhow Cantonment of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Question 3- What was the Name of Dr. Ambedkar’s Father?
Answer- Ramji Molaji was Sakpal.
Question 4- What was the Name of Dr. Ambedkar’s Mother?
Answer- Bhima Bai.
Question 5- What did Dr. Ambedkar’s Father Do?
Answer- I was a subedar in the Indian Army.

Question 6- When did Dr. Ambedkar’s Mother die?
Answer – In Year 1896.
Question 7- What was the Age of Dr. Ambedkar’s Mother at the time of her Death?
Answer – 5 years.
Question 8- When and with whom did Baba Saheb get married?
Answer- Ramabai in year 1906.

Question 9- When did Baba Saheb pass the Matriculation Examination?
Answer – In Year 1907.
Question 10- Where did the Maharaja of Gaekwad send Dr Ambedkar to study?
Answer- Sent to Columbia University New York America.
Question 11- Where and when did Baba Saheb go to study as a Barrister?
Answer- 11 November 1917 in London.

Question 12- Which magazine did Dr. Ambedkar Bring out?
Answer: Silent Hero.
Question 13- Where did Dr. Ambedkar Start Advocacy?
Answer- From the High Court of Mumbai, India.
Question 14- What message did Dr. BR Ambedkar give to his Followers?
Answer- Be Educated, Fight, be Organized.

Question 15- When was the Mahar Salary Bill introduced in the Vidhan Sabha by Babasaheb?
Answer – 14 March 1929
Question 16- Poona Pact happened between whom?
Answer- Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi.
Question 17- Who came to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Begging for the life of Mahatma Gandhi?
Answer – Kasturba Gandhi.

Question 18- When did Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar get the invitation of the Round Table Conference?
Answer – 6 August 1930
Question 19- Who was the First Law Minister of the country?
Answer- Dr. Ambedkar.
Question 20- Who Composed the new Constitution of Independent India?
Answer- Dr. Ambedkar.

Question 21- In how much time did Dr. Ambedkar write the Indian Constitution?
Answer – In 2 years 11 months 18 days Only.
Question 22- Dr. B.R. When and where did Ambedkar adopt Buddhism?
Answer – 14 October 1956, Diksha Bhoomi, Nagpur, India.
Questioin 23- Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar With how many people did Ambedkar adopt Buddhism?
Answer- Around 10 lakhs.

Question 24- Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar What is the name of the great book written by Ambedkar?
Answer: The Buddha and His Dhamma.
Question 25 – Babasaheb was honored with which award?
Answer- Bharat Ratna.

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